About us
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The Institute of National Economy (INE) is the oldest public institutional establishment for economic research in Romania, the successor of the Institute of Economic Research under the Romanian Academy (RA), established in 1953. Since 1990, it operates under the name INE, as a constituent part of the National Institute of Economic Research "Costin C. Kiritescu" within the RA. |
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In recognition of the exceptional results in economic scientific research, in half a century of activity, the Institute was decorated, in 2004, by the Presidency of Romania, with the highest distinction for research "Commander of the Order of Cultural Merit" |
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The Institute of National Economy publishes, since 1990, semiannually - ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS |
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MISSION: carrying out fundamental and applied research in the field of the national economy within the Scientific Research Programs of the Romanian Academy, in accordance with other national and international CDI programs, in order to promote the sustainable development of Romania |
Within the INE, prominent personalities of economic research have worked, developing schools of thought in the economic field: sustainable development and economic resilience, international commercial relations - Professor Gheorghe Zaman, corresponding member of the RA; the history of the national economy (academicians Gheorghe Zane, N.N. Constantinescu, Costin Murgescu; Victor Axinciuc, honorary member of the RA; Professor Victor Jinga, Dr. Ion Veverca); demoeconomics and economic sociology (academician Vladimir Trebici, who represented Romania at the United Nations, being the head of the UN Demographic Section for many years); statistics and econometrics: Professor Costache Moineagu, academician Aurel Iancu, Professor Egon Balaş, Dr. Tiberiu Schatteles, Dr. Marcu Horovitz. |
Research areas, scientific research INE is a fundamental and advanced economic RDI entity which studies the phenomena and processes of Romania's national economy, in the context of regional/international developments, using theoretical and practical approaches. It aims to contribute to the facilitation of technological transfer in conditions of economic-social efficiency and financial robustness, to finding the best alternatives for future macroeconomic and sectoral evolutions, according to international market requirements and perspectives, to enriching the theory of economic development and resilient growth, for social inclusion and quality of life. INE is providing consultancy for decision making at different levels, including social partners and other market actors from the public/private business area. It also carries out related activities such as: the dissemination of research results through publications and scientific events, improvement courses, including within the Doctoral School of the Romanian Academy, in the fields of microeconomics and national/international economy, etc. The research areas, without being limiting, consider: economic resilience; analysis of endogenous and exogenous shocks on the national economy; the effects of globalization and integration in the EU space on the performance of the national economy; digital transformation; human capital formation and use and labor market balances; demographic dynamics and population mobility; governance efficiency; the efficiency of the allocation of production factors, competitiveness and economic efficiency, energy strategy and energy security, analysis of the effects of climate change on economic and social development; macroeconomic balances and correlations, public and private financing for economic development and social inclusion; absorption of European funds; retrospective evaluation of national and universal economic thinking and policies; improvement of methods and techniques for quantitative and qualitative evaluation of economic phenomena etc. The institute promotes complex research, with an intra-, inter-, trans- and multidisciplinary character, through cooperation within CDI networks, with partners from Romania and abroad. The research departments of INE are: Economic Development; Competitiveness, Technical progress and the knowledge-based economy; Management and institutional structures of the economy; Economy of human resources; Development and social cohesion; Economic theory, modeling and history of the national economy. INE has developed a Research Center for Sustainable Development within which it promotes research groups of excellence and specific research services, in the emerging fields of national development - migration management for the national benefit, education and skills for the digital economy, renewable energy activation for energy inclusion and independence, the valorization of natural and anthropic cultural heritage in the context of the integrated local development etc.
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