Coordinator: Florin-Marius Pavelescu, PhD, senior researcher


Research topics:

  • The evolution of the Romanian economy in the 19th and 20th centuries
  • The national and international economic ideas that accompanied and accompany the development of the economy
  • The long-term trends of the Romanian economy in a European and world context
  • Reconstitution of data series related to the main indicators of Romania's long-term economic and social development
  • Development and testing of economic-mathematical models of development and economic growth in the medium and long term


The research carried out within the department:

  • Analysis of the evolution of the Romanian economy expressed in secular indicators for its main branches as well as some long-term macroeconomic indicators;
  • Compiling monographs on important issues of the national economy and for leading personalities of Romanian and foreign economic thought;
  • Improving the methodology of analysis and interpretation of the significance of the demographic transition in Romania
  • Analysis of the role and quantification of the contribution of capital accumulation to the economic development of Romania in the second half of the 20th century.
  • Analysis of the evolution of the coordination mechanisms of the Romanian economy in the 20th century
  • Highlighting long-term changes in the employment model in Romania
  • Analysis of investment flows from the Romanian economy in the 20th century
  • Highlighting the role of human capital in supporting economic growth in the European space during the 1990s.
  • Highlighting the stages of the evolution of the education and professional training system and the impact on the economic-social development in Romania in the 20th century.
  • Determination and characterization of the development cycles of the Romanian economy in the period 1860-2000.
  • The proposal of indicators for the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the Romanian economic environment in the context of integration into the European Union.
  • Improving the research methodology of economic phenomena and processes by revealing the impact of collinearity on the estimation of econometric models and some statistical tests used to validate the results obtained in the estimation of linear regression parameters.
  • Proposing some criteria for determining the types of collinearity that appear in the case of multiple linear regressions
  • Revealing some properties of the input-output model, analyzing the correlations between the general economic balance and foreign trade in the case of Romania,
  • Identifying the particularities of the investment-savings relationship during the transformation process of the Romanian economy,
  • The remodeling of labor market institutions in the context of the different phases of the development of the Romanian economy.
  • The correlation between economic growth and human development in Romania during the 20th century


Main works

  • Florin Marius Pavelescu – Institutional changes and labour market operation in interwar Romania, Romanian Journal of Economics, 2020, Volume 50
  • V. Axenciuc – Progresul economic al României. Serii statistice seculare 1860-2010. Volumul II INDUSTRIA și CONSTRUCȚIILE, Editura Academiei Române, București, 2019
  • V. Axenciuc – Progresul economic al României. Serii statistice seculare 1860-2010, Volumul I AGRICULTURA, Editura Academiei Române, București, 2018
  • Aurel Iancu, George Georgescu, Victor Axenciuc, Florin-Marius Pavelescu, Constantin Ciutacu (coord.) - Economia României după Marea Unire, Volumul 2, Economie Sectorială, Colecția Civilizația Românească Cartea 16, Editura Academiei, București, 2018
  • Florin-Marius Pavelescu – Evoluţia cadrului instituţional şi dinamica sistemului educaţional al Romaniei în secolul al XX-lea, Editura Expert, Bucureşti, 2016
  • Florin-Marius Pavelescu – Long Term Forecast of GDP in the Context of Quasi-Solow balanced Economic Growth, în Albert Tavidze  (ed.) - Progress in Economics Research. Volume 32, Nova Science Publishers Inc, 2015, p 115-138.
  • Florin-Marius Pavelescu – Some Considerations Regarding The Economic Cycles In Romania During The 1859-2010 Period, Romania Journal of Economics, 2013(XXIII), Volume 36, Issue 1(45)
  • Florin-Marius Pavelescu - Ciclurile economice, evoluţia demografică şi funcţionarea sistemului sanitar din România în perioada 1859-1999, Editura Expert, Bucureşti, Ediție revizuită , 2016
  • Victor Axenciuc- Produsul Intern Brut al României 1862-2000. Serii statistice şi argumente metodologice. Editura Economică, Bucureşti, 2012
  • Victor Axenciuc Formarea sistemului industrial în România în secolul al XX-lea. Demarajul  industrial, Editura Academiei 2008
  • Victor Axenciuc- Avuţia naţională a României. Cercetări istorice comparate 1860-1939, 2001, Editura Expert 2000
  • Victor Axenciuc- Evoluţia economică a României. Cercetări statistico-istorice 1859-1947. Vol. III Monedă-credit- comerţ- finanţe publice, Editura Academiei Române, Bucureşti, 2000
  • Victor Axenciuc- Evoluţia economică a României. Cercetări statistico-istorice 1859-1947. Vol. II Agricultura, Editura Academiei Române, Bucureşti, 1996
  • Victor. Axenciuc- Evoluţia economică a României. Cercetări statistico-istorice 1859-1947. Vol. I Industria, Editura Academiei Române, Bucureşti, 1992