
COSME Call identifier: COS-TOUR-2015-3-04-1 Topic: COSME-06-2015
Type of action: COSME-GA
Proposal number: 699493
Proposal title & acronym: Diversifying tourism offers in peripheral destinations with heritage-based products and services, stakeholder-skills alliances to internationalize locally operating micro-enterprises / DIVERTIMENTO


Events organized within the project

The results of the project will be presented at the COSME PROGRAMME Cooperation Event on the 19th of October 2017.
Please find below the relevant communication:


Press release: DIVERTIMENTO Project - International Conference “Understanding the Heritagescape: new approaches for stakeholders, producers and consumers”, Alba Iulia, Romania, 3-4 August 2017 


Echoes after the international conference

DIVERTIMENTO _echoes in press

D3.5 : The DIVERTIMENTO Satisfaction Survey on the supply side offers in the project area

The DIVERTIMENTO Satisfaction Survey on the supply side offers in the project area explores place image and cultural reputation in each Pilot Project Areas among potential domestic and foreign visitors. Partners create an e-survey and explore the demand side preferences. The e-Survey explores place image and cultural reputation (demand side), addressed to beneficiaries/consumers (consumers, visitors, locals etc.).

DIVERTIMENTO_Satisfaction Survey_dpz_Romania_EN


International Tourism Trade Fair / ITB Berlin 2017


Invitation - EN

Invitation - RO

For the visibility of the PP Alba Iulia and DIVERTIMENTO project in Romania please follow this link 
(published in the local paper UNIREA 25.07.2016)

​Another information about the project:

The title of the Pilot Project developed for Romania is: The People 's Verdict
You can find more information at: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1WsMKqcgRSuSK3fLL2ibLaLQkxv0&usp=sharing

Details related to DIVERTIMENTO e-COURSE:

 http://moo.ien.ro/ (e-learning platform)


DIVERTIMENTO-Short Project Description

Workshop in the project
"Identifying regional cultural potential and promoting through innovative tourism products: Alba Iulia Pilot Project", 22-23 September 2016, Alba Iulia, Romania
-Partner DIVERTIMENTO - Institute of National Economy
-Project Suporter - Municipality of Alba Iulia
-Project Suporter - “1 Decembrie 1918” University, Alba Iulia
In this activity the presentation of project activities and tourism products is considered. There will be a discussion section with local stakeholders on project objectives and innovative cultural products addressed to tourist market. Also, the research component will be presented - developing a qualitative survey regarding the innovative products impact on the local market development (questionnaires of analysis for supply and demand) and the results usefulness for the local businesses will be presented. Within the activity,  discussions concerning the presentation of the training component are considered: interactive online course - LLL ISCED 5 level with graduation diploma. This activity will also include an interactive session with the participants on the topic of Alba Iulia Pilot Project development.

Divertimento Objective:

DIVERTIMENTO diversifies tourism offers in peripheral destinations with heritage-based products and services, addressing stakeholder alliances and improving professional skills to internationalize locally operating micro-enterprises, achieve excellence and facilitate their uptake by the global market. The Project combats stakeholder fragmentation and detects the unexploited cultural potential in peripheral destinations by uniting forces and by replacing outdated skills and mind-sets with a new, shared vision for development. Seamlessly connected with tourism consumption points at place level, the product offers authentic and multicultural experiences along with needed tourism services, accessible in real time, such as accommodation, facilities, transport, catering, souvenirs and traditional products, open, indoor and artistic activities. The product builds an unprecedented opportunity to terminate the vicious circle of generating and distributing low quality tourism commodities exchangeable by price. Fully in accordance with the EU2020 GRAND SOCIETAL CHALLENGES and the NEW NARRATIVE FOR EUROPE, 2014, 7 peripheral destinations in Greece, Italy, Spain, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey capitalize on best practices from the international experience to create and launch a locally produced and globally distributed high quality experienced based product in heritage tourism. The final product is a Trilogy (Cultural Route, iBook, Heritage Games) inspired by the COE Principles for Cultural Routes, exploiting both the technology intense experience and the onsite experience in the territory. It enters the global distribution channel ITB Berlin in 2017 addressing primarily the connected consumer market, the senior and youth market. The Project Legacy with 102 tools will be inherited to the Statutory Association of Tourism Related Enterprises EUROTHENTICA, with seat in Rome, Italy, so as to maintain results and replicate project achievements.

Divertimento Partners:

Link to Divertimento website:

Divertimento Beneficiares from Romania:
1. Municipality of Alba Iulia, Region of Alba, NUTS II: RO121, Romania, http://www.apulum.ro, http://viziteazaalbaiulia.ro
Alba Iulia is a small-sized city with more than 63 000 inhabitants and it is located in the heart of Transylvania, Romania.
The historical center of Alba Iulia is highlighted as the core of the urban organization, having as reference point the Alba Carolina Citadel, the most representative Vauban citadel in Romania and unique of its kind in the Central and South-Eastern Europe. Alba Iulia Municipality is managed by a dynamic administration open to private investors and is constantly valorizing the touristic and economic potential by organizing and promoting various types of events. For achieving its objectives, the Municipality benefited for the period 2007-2013 the financial support of EU and has implemented European projects with a total value of more than 120 000 000 Euro, by involving relevant actors within the sustainable development proccess (local NGOS, associations, stakeholders, decision makers, residents, city planners, architects, urbanists etc.).
As a consequence of the efforts of Alba Iulia Municipality, Alba Iulia won the title of European Destination of Excellence conferred in 2012 by the European Commission through the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism (vimeo.com/80513157). The city was presented in prestigious national and international journals as the National Geographic Traveler, World Heritage UNESCO Magazine and Forbes Romania Magazine. Moreover, in 2013 Alba Iulia became the first city in Romania to receive a rating of financial risks (mediafax.ro/social/alba-iulia-primul-oras-din-romania-cu-rating-moody-s-in-perspectiva-accesarii-fondurilor-ue-11707402) from Moody’s, an international credit rating agency. According to the obtained rating, Alba Iulia Municipality is an institution with considerable credibility for of all investors and has proved a good management in attracting European funds during the period 2014-2020. In addition to this, a report released by the World Bank in 2013 stated that Alba Iulia Municipality has a strong institutional capacity for planning urban development and attracting financing resources for urban policies and projects.
From 2011, Alba Iulia has become one of the European cities with a touristic and commercial brand, having developed a logo, a brand manual and a long term marketing strategy. The concept of ”The Other Capital”, together with the slogan ”Welcome to the largest Citadel in Romania” are two of the most powerful messages promoted by the Municipality.
In January 2016, Alba Iulia joined “League of Historical Cities”, alongside Budapest, Vienna, Rome, Barcelona, Boston, Mexico City, Melbourne, Xian and Kyoto. The non-profit international organization, ‘League of Historical Cities’ supports and promotes dialogue between cities in order to explore cultural and historical patrimony (visitalbaiulia.com).

2. Ministry of Tourism, http://www.mturism.ro
Ministry of Tourism is organized and operates as a specialized body of central public administration subordinated to the Government, applying the strategy and governance program in tourism in line with market economy requirements

Divertimento Supporters and Non-statutory Partners from Romania:
1. „1 Decembrie 1918” University , Alba Iulia, http://www.uab.ro

2. National Museum of Unification, Alba Iulia, http://mnuai.ro

3. Alba Turism SA (travel agency), http://www.albatourism.ro

4. Hotel Transilvania, http://www.hoteltransilvania.eu
Holel Transilvania is today the most ambitious construction project in the area of Alba Iulia hotel industry, 80 rooms designed not only for spending the night, but for a unique experience and full relaxation for you. You will find here unique things for the hospitality industry in Alba Iulia, starting with full LED illumination that makes us an eco-friendly hotel, solar panels and energy savers, a high tech system that gives our guests the opportunity to set their temperature before checking in, the most advanced interface to communicate to the reception desk, premium king size mattresses specifically purchased for the convenience of our guests. Nevertheless, beyond all the advantages of this, Hotel Transilvania takes pride with its professional staff, ready to greet you with open arms.

5. Principia Museum

6. Tradition Group Association, http://www.traditiongroup.ro/index.php/ro

7. Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Nicolae Titulescu University of Bucharest, http://www.univnt.ro/ro/facultati/facultatea_de_economie_si_administrare...